Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Insomnia Treats is our loyalty programme that allows you to earn rewards on all purchases made in participating cafés. Joining is easy! Just search for the Insomnia Treats app in your app store and register for an account today!

Treats Members can avail of the below benefits: 

  • Every 10th Coffee Free
  • Receive a Free Small Welcome Coffee after you make your first purchase
  • Free Birthday Treat*
  • Free seasonal Drinks*
  • Personalised offers/coupons depending on your purchases
  • In app wallet and top up
  • Online Shop
Can I download the Insomnia Treats app to any phone?
Yes, we've designed the Insomnia Treats app for both iOS and Android phones. Just go to your app store and download.
How do I register for an Insomnia Treats account?
Register a new account by downloading the Insomnia Treats app to your phone and click Register.You can also sign up online via our webportal.
I never received my verification code via SMS?
Please retry in a couple of hours, if you have not received your code via SMS then please contact the Insomnia Treats team.
Can I link my loyalty card and app?
Yes, please contact the Insomnia Treats team with the email address and mobile number associated with your account, along with the number on the front of your loyalty card.
Can I still use my loyalty card in Insomnia cafés?
Yes, you can have up to 2 cards/fobs on your account.
If I have the Insomnia app, do I need a card/fob as well?
The Insomnia app is the main point of use for the loyalty programme and the easiest way to see all your information. If you don’t have your phone with you, you can give the barista your phone number at the till to access your account. You no longer will need a card/fob.
How can I spend my Insomnia credit?
You can build up your credit and redeem it against any purchase in participating Treats cafés, via our Click & Collect service or our Online store!
How can I check my balance?
You can check your credit balance on the app, online via our web portal, or in our cafés with our baristas by scanning your ID code/ giving your phone number.
How can I receive emails from Treats?
Please update your preferences under "My Profile" in the app to allow Email. Keep an eye on your spam folder too .
What are the benefits of using Insomnia Treats in-app wallet?
The in-app wallet via the Insomnia Treats app allows for increased convenience and speed during your transaction in our cafés. You can top up and use this credit to pay for any purchase quickly and easily without the need to worry about cash or cards!You can also use your credit with our Click & Collect service and our Online Shop.
How do I top up?
Insomnia Treats app: Click Credit on the home screen and select an amount you wish to top up by. You can top up by €5, €10, €15, €20, €25, €30, €40, €50.In café: You can also add credit by asking a barista while at the till.
Do I need to be registered to use credit and in-app wallet?
Yes, all customers must be registered on the loyalty programme to use the credit and in-app wallet feature.
Where can I see my past transactions?
All of your past purchases and credit transactions can be seen on the app under My Activity or you can log into your Treats account here. Your transactions are also on your receipt any time you make a purchase and scan your account in our café.
Is my mobile payment balance refundable?
No your mobile balance is non-refundable, non-transferrable and there is no cash back facility.
Are my card details safe?
Yes they are. Card details are processed by a payment processer which is a PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard). We do not save your credit card details other than the last 4 digits and expiration date which will be saved together along with your name.
Are Insomnia Gift Cards accepted in all Insomnia cafés?
Currently, our gift cards are only accepted in Ireland in selected cafés. A list of these cafés can be found towards the bottom of the Gift Cards page.
Can I return an Insomnia Gift card?
No, gift cards are non-refundable, non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash.
Can I add a Gift Card to my Treats Account?
Please contact the Treats Team if you would like to add your Gift Card to your Treats account or if you need more information about our Treats programme.