During 2021 Fairtrade Fortnight we’ve supported the producers of our Voyager Coffee – The COCAFCAL Co-op in Honduras and we raised an incredible €20,095 which went directly to our nominated project in the COCAFCAL Co-op to promote leadership and Youth entrepreneurship.
We raised an amazing €25,000 during Fairtrade Fortnight, all funds raised went directly to the ACODIHUE (Asociacion de Cooperacion al Desarrollo Integral de Huehuetenango) Cooperative in Guatemala with the aim of Empowering and Advancing Women within the Coffee Industry.
We worked directly with the producers of our hugely popular Voyager Coffee, the Manizales Coffee Cooperative. 5 cents was donated from every Hot Beverage sold during Fairtrade Fortnight, the total amount raised was €21,650.
€15,210 which went directly to our nominated project of the ASOBAGRI Coffee Cooperative, in Guatemala, with the aim to empower Women within the coffee industry in Latin America.
Insomnia's Fairtrade Community Project raised over €14,305 through Fairtrade Fortnight and 100% of this money went directly to the ACPC Pichanaki Coffee Cooperative (CAC PICHANAKI ACPC), in Peru.
The funds raised during Fairtrade Fortnight from 2014 to 2016, have gone directly to the construction of a student Infirmary and Dispensary for the Hekima Girls School in Bukoba, Tanzania, our nominated Fairtrade project.